

Latest additions:
Darkthrone - Old Star (2019)
Clandestine Blaze - Tranquility of Death (2018)
On the Degeneracy of Metal (Aug. 2018)
On the Absurdity of Human Cognizance (Apr. 2018)





Wednesday, 27 Feb. 2019 As of now, Nattsvargr and Nocturnal
Abyss are no more. Last year's releases were intended to be the final ones and each came about as close as possible to meeting
the expectations that I had for these projects. There is nothing left to say.
Friday, 18 Jan. 2019 A statement regarding
the site can be found here.
Thursday, 12 Apr. 2018 The new Nocturnal
Abyss album, Among the Cold Graves, is now available on CD. Payments accepted via Paypal. Contact me by email
for more info. To preview and/or purchase as a digital album via Bandcamp, click here.
Tuesday, 27 Feb. 2018 The latest full-length
from Nattsvargr, Night of the Crimson Thirst, is now available on CD. Payments accepted via Paypal. Contact me by
email for more info. To preview and/or purchase as a digital album via Bandcamp, click here.
Thursday, 26 Oct. 2017
Thank you to those that have sent messages in recent months. I am grateful for
the support and the appreciation for the site. My apologies to those that seem eager for more content. As has been the case
for a while now, injuries, pain, depression and unstable living conditions have all combined to make it exceedingly difficult
to be as productive as I would like. Content will be added as circumstances allow.
Monday, 13 June 2016
The name of the site has now been changed from Rites of the Black Moon to Morbid Curse.
Thanks to Roza for the logo.
Friday, 3 June 2016
The new full-length from Nattsvargr, Winds of Transilvania, is now available
on CD. Paypal payments are accepted. Contact me by email for more info. To preview and/or purchase as a digital
album via Bandcamp, click here.
Monday, 13 Oct. 2014
After receiving a few messages, I thought it useful to point out that lack of updates
to this section do not mean that the site is inactive. Just scroll down a little and check the "Latest additions", on the
left side of the screen.
Saturday, 26 Apr.
"The Abyss" has been resurrected and can be downloaded from here. Just scroll down for the mediafire link. Depending on how it goes, the show may be resumed on a weekly basis.
Wednesday, 9 Apr. 2014
The Nocturnal Abyss full-length, From the Depths of Mörkvod, is now available
through Redstream.org. The album can also still be ordered directly from the band and from here. In addition, for those in or near Oslo, it can be picked up from Neseblod Records.
Monday, 17 Mar. 2014
The Return of the Winter Frost, from Bloodfrost, can be ordered here. Also, regarding this project, currently seeking musicians for a new full-length to be recorded in the near future.
Monday, 23 Dec. 2013
The new E.P. from Nattsvargr is available on CD. I Djupaste Skogen av Hat
features three songs of raw, hateful Black Metal. The cost is $5 plus shipping (calculated by location) and can be ordered
from here. Those interested in using Paypal can contact at noctir@gmail.com for info.
Monday, 22 Apr. 2013
The debut full-length from Nocturnal Abyss, From the Depths of Mörkvod,
is now available. The CD can be ordered directly from here. Those interested in using Paypal can contact at noctir@gmail.com for info.
Monday, 18 Mar. 2013
I regret the severe lack of new content in recent months. A few things have been added,
but much less than hoped for. As some may know, I am struggling with homelessness and health issues, among other things. Unfortunately,
no end is in sight. When/if these problems are resolved, it is my intention to resume writing on a more regular basis.
Friday, 21 Dec. 2012
"The Abyss" is on hiatus until further notice. In addition, the band Blackmoon has
been laid to rest, based on discussions between myself and the other members. As for Nattsvargr and Bloodfrost, both of these
projects are on ice for the time being.
Tuesday, 23 Oct. 2012
In the past week, a new interview was done with David Parland (aka Blackmoon) of Infernal
(formerly of Necrophobic, Dark Funeral and War). It has now been added to the 'Interviews' section.
Tuesday, 11 Sept. 2012
A recent interview conducted with Shatraug of Horna / Sargeist is now available.
Visit the 'Interviews' page to read it.
Thursday, 6 Sept. 2012
"The Abyss" now has a new home, as I have recently joined Hard Rock Radio Live. The
show can now be heard on Thursday nights, from 7pm to 9pm (US Eastern Time) and can be heard here.
Despite a great amount of instability, I have tried to get back to writing new
content for the site, on a more regular basis. All feedback has been quite useful and is appreciated. I will do my best to
reply in the near future.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
A bad car accident and extensive travels have caused an interruption in writing, for
the past couple months. This is temporary and many things are planned for the near future. Hopefully, things will get back
to normal before the end of summer.
Thursday, 9 Feb. 2012
"The Abyss" will soon be featured twice a week, as I shall begin working with TNT Rock
Radio. The show will be on Friday nights, from 9pm to 11pm (US Eastern Time) and can be heard here. This is in addition to the weekly broadcast on Metal Messiah Radio, which will continue airing on Saturdays, from 5pm to
7pm (US Eastern Time).
Friday, 2 Sept. 2011
In the coming days and weeks, attempts will be made to try writing less in-depth reviews,
in addition to the normal (longer) ones. This is not for the purpose of becoming lazy and giving less effort, simply to be
able to include albums that do not inspire so much thought and may not necessarily be worthy of the same lengthy
treatment as others.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Due to scheduling conflicts, I am no longer writing for Metal Music Mania. Will still
continue adding content to this site, though travels and other things have been impeding any real progress. Hoping to get
back to a normal level of output by the autumn.
Saturday, 19 Mar. 2011
I have recently accepted a position as the writer for Metal Music Mania. Be sure to visit that site as well, and to spread both links. Since it is a paying gig, it has been recieving more of my
attention, though less energy is devoted to the quality of the articles on that page. In time, hopefully, more content wil
be appearing here more frequently.
Tuesday, 30 Nov. 2010
Due to health problems, I have been unable to add as much new content as I would prefer,
in recent weeks. There are many things waiting to be written, and they will be published as soon as it is possible to do so.
Tonight, I have finally taken the time to re-write the review for Sepultura's Morbid Visions, which was among the
very first that was written, and not up to the same standard as the rest.
Friday, 2 Oct. 2010
As suggested, a guestbook has now been added. The link can be found on the 'Contact'
page. Also, on the right you will find a Google search bar, which is set to search this site only. This may or may not remain,
so any feedback on its practicality is welcome.
Thursday, 24 Sept. 2010
The 'Articles' section has been worked on, and should now prove to be a bit easier
to navigate. As well, a recent article has been added, titled "The Silent Conquest".
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
A new piece has been added, to the 'Articles' page (naturally), entitled "On the
Venom / Bathory Debate".
Saturday, 26 June 2010
New content has, finally, been added. Things have slowed down, in recent months, due
to my involvement in a few bands as well as some worsening health problems.
Saturday, 13 Mar. 2010
The second full-length album from NATTSVARGR, Vinterblod, will be released
on 15 March 2010! Click here for information.
Saturday, 23 Jan. 2010
"The Abyss" will soon be resurrected. The year-plus hiatus is over, and the show will
rise from the grave thanks to Metal Messiah Radio. More information, and past playlists, will soon be available.
Saturday, 28 Nov. 2009
New reviews have been added. There are over 200, which makes up the bulk of the site.
Thanks for the feedback. Most has been positive or, at least, constructive.
Friday, 30 Oct. 2009
The feedback for the new site has been very positive, thus far. The same can be said
of the latest reviews, as well as the newly added horror section.
Tuesday, 22 Sept. 2009
Movie reviews added to the horror section. There's also an extensive Horror List,
providing a variety of recommended films for the upcoming horror season.
Also, a good number of new reviews have been added. They can be found by checking out
the 'latest additions', to your left.
Everything is, finally, up-to-date. All material has been transferred from the old
Wednesday, 9 Sept. 2009
The horror section is currently under construction. I've written a couple of brief
reviews for the first two Halloween movies, just to get started. I'm new to reviewing films, so I expect it will
take some time to improve.
Also, all of my computer knowledge is self-taught, so I'm learning as I go along. Please
notice the new feature to the homepage, which should be to your left, which will list (and link to) the most recent additions
to the site. Hopefully, this makes things much more convenient for visitors.
Thursday, 3 Sept. 2009
A couple of reviews have been added for Satyricon and Isengard. Several more are planned
for the near future. Progress may have slowed since earlier this year, primarily because I covered most of the albums that
I really wanted to write about and haven't been as motivated. Eventually, I hope to get to every album in my collection, but
this will take some time.
I have gotten several requests to review albums and demos from newer bands. At this
time, I don't think this would be such a good idea. Typically, I enjoy reviewing albums that I know very well and have a strong
opinion on, one way or the other. I have a, generally, low opinion of most newer music and this would probably result in an
unfavourable review for your band. Perhaps, in the future, I'll learn to be less biased.
Procrastination has continued to plague the other areas of the site, though keep in
mind that I just started this less than a month ago. So much time and energy was put into it that I burned myself out, temporarily.
I fully expect to have everything finished in the near future.
Friday, 21 Aug. 2009
The lengthy task of putting up the playlists for "The Abyss" has just begun. 2006-2008
are now up. The previous years will take some time to add, since they need to be typed up and formatted. With luck, this will
be finished in the near future.
Wednesday, 19 Aug. 2009
Currently, work is being done to the interview section. I transcribed
several Dissection interviews, from paper copies, last year. These have all been added now (with the exception of one that
appears to be incomplete). The Mayhem interviews will be the next to be added, though after transcribing some of these, I
discovered some of them already online after all.
Also, there is a new Necrophobic review up, for The Call E.P.
Monday, 17 Aug. 2009
Finally, all of the album reviews have been added, so the site is current. This was
the most brutal part of this whole endeavour. Now that this has been completed, I can attend to the less important details
as well as begin writing new material. Currently, there is a new Dissection review, for the Into Infinite Obscurity
Sunday, 16 Aug. 2009
The transferral of material from the old site to this one is progressing at a decent
rate. It would have been finished already, but such tedious work requires some amount of rest, in between sessions. It appears
that there should be enough room for all of the content. Once all of the reviews have been added (I'm currently
working on Testament), then I will turn my attention to putting up the transcribed interviews and so on.
All of this work has interfered with the writing of new material; however, I hope that
this will no longer be the case in the coming week.
Monday, 10 Aug. 2009
So far, things are progressing in a more expiditious manner than was initially anticipated.
It is, by no means, near completion; however, it would appear that the site may be finished by the end of the month. The only
real concern is whether or not all of the content will fit within the 20 MB limit. Furthermore, even if I can squeeze it all
in, there is no telling how much more I'll be able to add. Time shall tell.
Sunday, 9 Aug. 2009
So, for a mission statement; i.e. the reason the Rites of the Black Moon Webzine exists...
I contributed to other sites, in the past, writing a handful of reviews. One night, after completing one that I felt particularly
good about, it seemed to me a shame that it would simply languish on some site, alongside countless others. I was beginning
to develop a style, as it regarded album reviews, so I decided to collect all of the previous writings and put them together
on a site of my own. Admittedly, these earliest reviews were not very good, compared to the later ones. However, I like to
think that I've gotten better with time. This brings me to another point.
I am sure that someone else has already done a more adequate job of reviewing
these albums. Initially, I tried to stick with those that had not received much attention; however, this was limiting as I
was forced to ignore releases that I felt strongly about, since I assumed someone else had done it first and done it better.
But this site (as well as the original) isn't about writing the definitive album review for each one. This is simply
my perspective. I often enjoy more personal reviews, as opposed to those that were hung up on the technical aspects,
only. If I am able to influence someone to pick up an album they have not yet heard, or to give an older one another
listen, then I have succeeded at something. Even if this is appreciated as entertainment, only, that is fine as well.
More than anything, the process of writing is cathartic and this is, ultimately, a selfish endeavour.
Saturday, 8 Aug. 2009
First off, I understand that the site looks like hell; however, it has to start
somewhere. This is a project that is currently in the beginning stages. I have never before developed a large and involved
website, so this will be my first attempt. I am also not extremely familiar with this server, so the entire endeavour will
be a learning experience. I have been planning, for quite some time, to give the Rites of the Black Moon Webzine a more proper
home, as it is currently hosted by a blogging site. I've managed to link together several blogs, to give the illusion of a
website, but there are certain organizational limitations that I wish to eliminate. I am not positive that Tripod will
be the final home; however, it will serve as an experiment at the very least.
Due to my inexperience and general laziness, this may take some time. However,
I hope to see this come to fruition by the end of 2009.






Morbid Curse Webzine was created by Noctir during the frozen nights of
January 2008. All written content is the property of Noctir, unless otherwise stated. Do not reproduce anything without permission.
Cover art and lyrical excerpts are property of their respective artists / label.

